Thursday, March 4, 2010

Roof finished...almost!

After a real burst of activity, things have ground to a halt...again! :( ... we're waiting on the concrete polisher (I think). But we do have a roof, mostly finished, still waiting on fascia, but AE is getting that made out of colorbond to save a bit of it's taking a bit of time.

The roof gives the house such a different feel now. The rooms feel bigger...much to the kids delight...they (well one of them) were complaining that their rooms were too small. They are small rooms, but perfectly adequate as far as we're concerned and much more space than they currently have.

Anyway time for some piccies...I can't wait for the scaffolding to come down so we can really get a feel for the house.
Wall niche which will be a feature as we come up the stairs from the entrance. We need to decide on something to go in here. MC has suggested building a planter and growing bamboo. Sounds good to us.
View along the hallway, showing highlight windows on right. We're planning a full light door to the outside so we'll still get the view of the trees. We don't have to worry too much about privacy with our location.

And some more pictures of the view from the family/dining/kitchen...can you tell I like the view lol. (Would be better without the scaffolding though)

So now we wait...again. Once the floors are done things can move along a bit faster (so AE assures us) The window people have been on site to measure up etc. We've also had the external cladding people up...we're going with Express wall and will paint it with the Porters rust effect paint. We're hoping to imitate the Axolotl rusted look. I'll have to do a post about our colour ideas soon...

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